The study of history can be sobering and shocking, and morally troubling. One does not have to believe in original sin to do it successfully, but it probably helps. By relentlessly placing on display the pervasive crookedness of humanity's timber, history brings us back to earth, equips us to resist the powerful lure of radical expectations, and reminds us of the grimmer possibilities of human nature--possibilities that, for most people living in most times, have not been the least bit imaginary. With such realizations firmly in hand, we are far better equipped to move forward in the right way. . Wilfred M. McClay
About This Quote

To put it simply, history is a study of the past and the lessons we can learn from it. It is used to make us aware of our mistakes and failures and to help us avoid repeating them in the future. However, history is not regarded as a way of glorifying our ancestors; rather, we use it to learn from their mistakes and to avoid making them ourselves.

Source: Students Guide To U.s. History: U.s. History Guide

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